Hannelore Charles Downing-Groth has arrived! She was born healthy and happy at home on June 11th at 8:01am, surrounded by family, including big brother and big sister. She was 8lb 11oz with a full head of soft black hair. Jo and Hannelore are both doing well and trying to follow advice (more easily given than followed) of resting and recovering and being patient.
Yoga classes have been continuing as usual, on Sunday nights at 6:30pm and Wednesday mornings at 10:15am, taught by Linda at the Howard School of Dance. Jo will be teaching on Sunday, June 22nd and will start easing her way back in after that.
If you are in immediate need of a massage, please call Marianne Scheibert at (513) 236-8125. She has graciously stepped in to help anyone who cannot wait until the beginning of July for a massage.
Announcement of appointment availability is forthcoming! There will be a post here and an email notice of massage availability within the next week.