I have good news and okay news. For the first time in nearly 10 years, massage rates will be changing. On February 1st, 2013, one hour massages will change to $75 and ninety minute massages will change to $110. That is the just okay news. The good news is that this will not affect massages that you purchase before that date, so if you have massages stocked up on your account, you will not need to pay any extra to use them. There will also be more coupons available, but you may not receive them if your email or address are not correct! Yoga rates will not be changing.
How can I get discounted massages?
* Make sure your address is up to date in the online booking system/store: (https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/adm/home.asp?studioid=18880) so that all of the paper coupons arrive at your door.
* Earn $10 for each new referral, directly into your account.
* Check your email for notices of one day sales (the big one is in April) or coupon codes.
* Stock up before the price increase on February 1st.
* If you really need a massage and really can’t afford one, let me know and we’ll see what we can do. 🙂